We took a little break from our 'Once Upon a Rhyme' topic to learn about the outdoors during autumn. During our week of the 'Oot and Aboot' topic we learned about the weather, transport and animals. We made some spiky hedgehogs. We really enjoyed putting all the spikes in!
We also went out into the playground to do a car survey. We counted the number of red, blue, green and black cars that drove past the school.

This week we went on a sound walk round the Peedie Sea. We heard cars, boats, birds, dogs barking and our waterproof trousers rustling as we walked! Then we went into the trees to find things with different textures. There was slippery leaves, rough tree stumps, sticky wet mud and lots more.
On Tuesday we learned about number 8. We practised writing it in sand. It was really good fun because the light shined through to show the number we had made with our fingers!
On Wednesday we learned about the letter n. Then we built a birds nest with twigs.